Type your research in the input field to search the table (Embassy, Phone Numbers)
Embassy | Phone Number | Photo |
Ministry of Foreign Affairs Aleea Alexandru nr. 31, Sector 1, 011822 Bucharest Romania |
+40 21 319 21 08 | |
Romania Embassy in Paris 5, rue de l'Exposition 75343 Paris cedex 07 France |
+33 1 47 05 29 66 | |
Romania Embassy in Washington DC 1607 23rd St NW Washington, DC 20008-2879 USA |
+1 202 332-4848 | |
Romania Embassy in London 4 Palace Green W8 4QD London The UK |
+44 20 7937 9666 | |
Romania Embassy in Berlin Dorotheenstr. 62-66 10117 Berlin Germany |
+49 30 2123 9202 | |
Romania Embassy in Bern Brunnadernstrasse 20 3005 Bern Switzerland |
+41 31 352 35 21 |